Woodpecker in Belize

Woodpecker in Belize – Photograph by Laura Lecce

Since we’re on the topic of woodpeckers, I thought I’d show you a different kind. This beautiful, puffed out bird was diligently hole checking on an island in Belize. It was traveling with a friend from palm tree to palm tree, which made me realize that the woodpeckers I’ve seen have often traveled in pairs. I’m not entirely sure what kind of woodpecker this is, as it has the face markings of a ladderback woodpecker, but more yellow coloring on the underbelly than usual. I saw them at the same times each day which gave me multiple opportunities to observe their behavior and get some great photos.

5 thoughts on “Woodpecker in Belize

    1. Thank you so much for your bird ID. I love your blog and look forward to exploring your photos. I laughed when I read your “nemesis birds – the ones you’ve seen but didn’t get a close photo of.” I think I have quite a few “nemesis” animals and birds on my list too!


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