Cuddling Lizards

Cuddling Lizards - Photograph by Laura Lecce
Cuddling Lizards – Photograph by Laura Lecce

This beautifully intimate photograph was taken on a walk through El Yunque National Forest in Puerto Rico, the only tropical rainforest in the United States National Forest System. This moment was a particularly special one for me, as it was the first (and only) time I have seen lizards mating (and I have seen my fair share of lizards!). I was more careful not to disrupt their mating than I was about the photo, as the last thing I wanted was for these little beauties to miss the chance at making more gorgeous lizards. The actual walk that I was on was to see a waterfall. However, because I spent so much time photographing the lizards along the way, I never actually made it to the waterfall, as I would have missed my flight (but I saw so many lizards along the way, that I wasn’t even a little disappointed!).

For more posts on lizards click here.

7 thoughts on “Cuddling Lizards

  1. There have been many times when a friend has taken me on an adventurous hike with a specific destination in mind, and I’ve found myself keeping my eyes open along the way and finding fascinating surprises–and trying, more or less diplomatically, to take the time to fully appreciate them, at times to the apparent frustration of the “tour guide.” But I see what I see, even when others don’t, and there are times when I just can’t let them go. There are others, I will admit, when I have to put on my horse-blinders and plod along to the planned end, but I prefer to go with folks with more than a modicum of patience. Bravo for you–the waterfall will still be there next time!


    1. Good to hear it isn’t just me that slows everyone down all the time 😉
      I’m a bit of a hawk when it comes to spotting little creatures, and I seem to find just about everything interesting… so it’s pretty slow going with me. I think my husband has gotten used to it, and nowadays he’ll even point things out to me too!


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