King of the Aussie Bush

King of the Aussie Bush - Photograph by Laura Lecce
King of the Aussie Bush – Photograph by Laura Lecce

Here is a photograph of my favorite Australian bird, the Kookaburra. The loud calling sound it makes is like boisterous human laughter echoing through the outback, mainly in the early mornings and approaching dusk. A skilled hunter, these birds prey on mice, snakes, small reptiles and the babies of other birds, and are fittingly called the Kings of the Australian bush. This particular kookaburra is very riled up, having just had a dispute with a fellow bird, which was perched next to him. Whatever the argument they were having… he definitely won.

17 thoughts on “King of the Aussie Bush

  1. I would not seek out to anger that kookaburra in any way. If it wants to be the King of all area it occupies that works just fine for me!

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